Okay, okay, I won't blast you guys with my faggy poetry anymore. But here's the thing: I'm feelin' real introspective over here. Dave "The Softball Coach Wonder" always tells me, "Why don't you fucking blog about it." Well I think I will, Dave. So shut it, and I won't have to tell everyone that all those tricky psyche out pitches are just...well, shitty pitching. Ready for my first subject of bloggy reflection? Morality: what is it, where does it come from, and is this something that we're potentially going to have to bomb into submission? Well first off, I can tell you this: one thing about morals is that when you're a good person, if you get a glass of water, you fill up the fucking water pitcher in the fridge. You don't fill it up every time, and we're up shit creek with no ice cold filtered water to drink. Second thing: Get off the internet. The internet is just an invitation to kick morals right in the dick. Not only is it a pedophile harboring, narcissism perpetuating free-for-all, but it's a time sucking black hole. You ever accidentally googled google? The first five links are to Google.com. Why do they even have that option? Hopefully they're just trick links to a page that says "Get up and go outside, you knuckle dragging mouth breather." Anywho, one thing I love about morals is that there are enough of them to have a fresh set every day (no one likes crusty stale morals)! Crisp fall day? I'll take Islam for 500. Burkas are nice and toasty. The sun is high and you're sweatin' in August? I'll have the sheer flimsy morals of a suburbanite Christian family, please. I only point out religions as sets of morality because most people suck their morals out of the closest religion, like a thirsty wildebeast who can only find a mud puddle in the desert. Why? Because everyone is scared shitless of going to hell. You know, that place where you're eternally in public, and your asshole itches like crazy, but you still live in your home town and someone from high school might be watching, so there's nothing you can do? I don't blame them. I once heard a Christian ask, "If you don't think you're going to hell when you die, why do you try to be a good person." Thank Buddah this guy is a Christian. But death and hell seem to be inseperable butt buddies. No death is free from the blackmail of being cast into hell if you don't get the God-goods (remember the three Chuh's: Christ, Chastity and Church). And being in hell is something that only happens post-mortem? Quit your bitching, you war-torn, disease-ridden, starving African children. It gets worse. Be grateful that you can still scratch your asshole without your old dance team seeing. Death is a weird subject because nobody, fucking nobody, knows what it is, or what happens, but everyone is willing to accept an explanation from another human being. Who also has no idea. At what point did someone decide that they had an idea of what was going on? And for what reason did the people around that person decide, "You know what? I bet this guy knows. I don't know why, but I got a good feeling about this." I imagine it happened something like this: There were cavemen, right? Sitting around a fire. Eating a brontosaurus burger. They start grunting about death, and one is like, "Man, it's weird how we just stop like...talking, and moving, and not rotting." and another says, "Yeah, I bet we actually stay alive somehow after death, and the majority of the population gets tortured for...I don't know, like masturbating or something. Forever. We should just act like some parental figure is watching us all the time so we won't masturbate, and then we won't have to be tortured." And not one single person said, "Listen, I think that's the most retarded thing I've ever heard." And BOOM! Here we are with three major religions that stem from the same damn book, relentlessly trying to send eachother to hell, constantly trying to up the ante of whose morals are stiffer, and therefore more hell-avoiding. When will morals stem more widely from a more organic worldy place (...critical thought?)? Mystics and wise men shouldn't have the monopoly on this way of thinking.  It's all so very silly, you guys. So very silly.

As you all may or may not know, I fuck up people's hair and get money for it. The people that I meet on my dreadventures range from greasy balding pockmarked old acid heads who want desperately to rub  my shoulders and to show me their "Portal to Another Dimension" (a.k.a. greasy pockmarked old folks orgy), to leather shop owning couples trying to get me into a threesome (Thanks for the spiked bracelet! By the way, your dog's muzzle gets the job done AND scares me in a strange sexually weird way. That's what you're going for right? So...kudos...I guess...), to fresh-out-of-high-school white girls with three inch hair (ignoring my four inch minimum rule) who want to know why they look like fucking Coolio when I'm done with them. It's not my fault that you can't live up to your idealized rastafarian, vegetarian, minimalist, stick-eating animal-humping lifestyle on your way into college! Get a job and maybe your dreads won't look so shitty. Anyway, Naudia Boyd is on the opposite side of the spectrum from these people. Like a needle in a fucking haystack, she is a rare gem of a normal person in my dreadscapades. And by normal I mean I don't suspect her of being a serial murderer, or a raper, or a coprapheliac, or an animal hoarder. Naudia and her husband Steve own a business called Mad Hatter Hoops in which they make all sorts of hula hoops. Hoops that sparkle, light up, shine and bedazzle their way right onto your hips, and can actually be a fantastic form of exercise. Since I found Mad Hatter Hoops a subject of interest, I knew you guys would want to hear about it, so on your behalf, Naudia and Steve agreed to answer a few questions about hooping the light fantastic.


1) So how old were you when you first started hooping, and how did you
get into it?

I work for a college, and a couple of years ago one of our students came in with hula hoops one day. They weren't fancy, but they were nice and heavy, and it was so easy to keep it going. I remembered playing with hula hoops as a kid, but I never actually had one. I ended up buying three hoops from her. And was pretty much hooked instantly. Not even a month after buying her hoops, I set out to make my own, so I could spread the love.

2) You told me that you were able to lose a lot of weight hula hooping
and you are very fit and fine if I do say so myself. What makes
hooping a superior form of exercise? Tell me a little bit about that
whole period of time, how much you hooped, when you discovered hooping
was a good way to lose weight.

I have never been active. Ever. Even as a kid, I preferred books and art over going outside to play. I hated gym class with a passion(ate rage).  I remember one summer, my mom forced me to join a baseball team. It was a disaster. I loathed every single boring minute of it. And it wasn't just the activity, I was appalled by the competitive attitudes. I just didn't "get" sports. When I got those first hoops, I didn't even think about it being exercise. It was just fun, and silly, and goofy, and sexy... The whole time I was hooping, I was grinning. Ear to ear. Like a kid, playing with her favorite toy! Then, I realized one day that my heart was pumping, and I was a little out of breath. And I realized that this "toy" was a workout. I started looking up hula hooping, and realized there was whole hoop movement going on, and I had no idea. 

3) How/When did Mad Hatter Hoops come to be?

I got Naudia into it too, and we started hooping together a lot, and making hoops for friends. We half-heartedly joked about taking a batch of hoops down to the river and just selling them out of our cars. But we didn't. We got distracted by life, and paying bills. But we were still hooping, and losing weight. We love hooping so much, that it started consuming our consciousness. I was distracted at work with the tons of hoop tutorial videos on youtube. Meanwhile Naudia was out committing random acts of hooping all over Portland. In February of this year, we decided we were ready to try being professional hoop makers. We had honed our skills. We had wicked cool tape. We got the best tubing. And we were starting to play around with LEDs. Our hoops were plain kickin ass. We got our biz license, and we are ready to hoop the light fantastic.

4) Give me a low down of your fanciest schmanciest hoops.

Where do I start? I love love love my polypro hoops. They are so versatile for tricks. They have perfect bounce back for doing killer breaks. Since they're lighter, you have to work harder to keep them up which makes for a better cardio workout. And we can add a button to them to make them collapsible, which was a huge plus for me, for traveling. Although, I suppose the fanciest would have be our LED hoops. I'm a photographer and I absolutely love taking long exposure shots of the LED hoops in action. I love seeing the shapes and patterns unfold. But mostly I love losing myself in a galaxy of swirling lights.

5) What's your favorite song or artist to hoop to?

It really depends on my mood. In no particular order I enjoy, Beats Antique, Bassnectar, Silversun Pickups, Tool, Dirty Vegas, Goldfish, Feist, Massive Attack... I could go on and on.

6) Any tips for the hoop-tarded such as myself? Is there a special
key or secret to becoming a world-class hula hooper?

The biggest hurdle is yourself. If you set out to do something with an "I can't do this" attitude, you will start to believe yourself after awhile. If you set out to have fun, and you enjoy being silly, and are willing to keep trying, you WILL get it. Nobody is perfect, and you won't be able to bust out mad tricks until you've been hooping awhile. My single biggest piece of advice is Youtube baby! Search for "how to hula hoop". Once you've got the basics down, try searching for "hoop dance tutorial". You can thank me later :)
My favorite YouTube hoopers in no particular order;

7)What are a few awesome tricks that you've learned?

I love the three beat weave, and threading the needle. Both are done with two hoops, large or small. They look so fancy, people are super impressed by them, and they're pretty easy. (Ok, so the three beat weave took me about three days to master... but it was so worth it.)

8) Contact information for people who wanna buy hoops from you guys?

Mad Hatter Hoops World Domination Headquarters is located in sunny (HA!) Portland, OR. We can be reached at 503-774-0512 or email us at [email protected]

9) What are your cats' names, and which one do you love the most?

I have two kittens, Biz Markie and Zed. And while I love them both, Biz is my homie. And Naudia has two step cats, Marbles (a.k.a chubs) and Bruce. She never liked cats until she meet Bruce… He really has softened that bitch up!  
    From now on, I will answer to nothing less than "Jesus 'The fucking Martyr' Bring-the-Pain Christ".  Quiz time: Which is more likely to get you fired: a) saying your manager is a hefty lip-flapping, potato chip eating moo-cow, or b) asking which one of your geriatric co-workers has knocked back the most man-chowder? The answer is c) I got fired from Fabric Depot for both of those things. That's absolutely correct, ladies and gentlemen: My last blog got me fired from Fabric Depot. In my own defense, if The Grandmas are reading Mr. Yuck, then they have probably done things that warrant my public inquiry into their sexual lives. Also in my own defense: What, they can't take a joke? I'm sorry, I thought we got Saddam Husein, but no, he's alive and well, and working at Fabric Depot. Doesn't an employee have the right to rail mercilessly on their co-workers and bosses in their free time and put it in public for all to see? Well I call it a fucking infringement. I want the mo' fuckin' ACLU, The Supreme Court, and Johnny Cochran in this bitch. Also, I've hired a witchdoctor to summon George Carlin from his grave, because he needs to be in on this too. Old people must be evolving, because last I checked, they didn't have internet capabilities. Although, I should have known something was up when they hired me for the website department. The Website. Department. Because that's where I worked. The dick-suckiest part about all this is that I didn't even get to use my discount. And there's still things I want to buy there! But can I show my face in there? NO.  Here's what I'm thinking: Since I pretty much monetarily died for y'all's yucky reading sins, you guys basically owe me. And as Jesus needed you to believe that he existed as the son of god in exchange for his sacrafice, I'm going to need a mule. I send you in with some cash, you go in, you don't say a word to anyone, you buy that $7.99 corset pattern I want, smuggle it out in your stomach or ass hole, and I'll meet you around back wearing a mustache and trench coat. Then I'll give you some ipecac until you throw up the pattern. I might have to gut you to get it out, because it's pretty big, but you're right next to Fabric Depot, and they have needles and thread out the wazoo in there, so I don't want to hear any sass. I also want some vinyl, lace, and some passion suede, so...you might want to go to clown school and learn that trick where they pull all the handkerchiefs out of their throat, because it will help with me not gutting you. As for the rest of you, who won't be swallowing sewing paraphernalia and throwing them up for me, a simple middle finger to the man will suffice to repay me. So next time you're in Fabric Depot (or anywhere else that hates America, and everything that it stands for) scoot around on their carpet with your asshole. Take a long morning-after-New-Year's piss in their cash register. Use their candy aisle to shoot your own bukaki film. Tell 'em Alex set you. And tell 'em you're doin' it for good old Uncle Sam.

Guess what? I have a new job, that's what. I don't know if you've ever heard of it, just a little place called FABRIC DEPOT. That's right. The place where your grandma and gay friend go to buy their bra extenders and stretch metallic glitter mesh (respectively). It's just a job, I'm humble. It's not like I get my own desk and am in charge of all the faux fur orders-OH WAIT YEAH IT IS. Not only that, but if you place an order on line with us and get one. Just one. Single. Fucking. Digit. ONE wrong on the credit card number you give us, I will find your address and phone number, you son of a bitch. I will fucking call you. I call my phone Thunder, and my dialing finger Lightening. Let's just say you don't wanna get struck. In case you are a simpleton, and you're not impressed by the prestige my position holds, maybe you'll be impressed by a little thing called 40% off all store merchandise. Yeah. I got that. The animal print vinyl section is scared of my first paycheck. Now I know you guys are asking, "But Alex, what about all the designer savvy fashionistas you must work with? That's what we really want to know about!" I know you do, darlings. And I will tell you all about them. I will tell you tales of over-sized cardigans and beaded spectacle chains that your wildest dreams never dared depict.
FIRST is my manager. We'll call her Debbie. Because that's her name. If you saw Debbie walking down the street, I guarantee that your (and indeed, anyone's) first thought would be "Damn. That bitch look like she eats hot dog flavored potato chips." And you'd be correct. She offered me some one time. The salty greasy meaty after-taste is simply delectable. Debbie can usually be heard throughout the entire department flapping what is anatomically known as her huge-ass mouth hole to anyone who will listen on how she brought her snot-nosed son to a park and a dog barked at him, whereupon she courageously put herself between the dog and her son, and proceded to tell the dog owners that it's just wrong to bring a violent dog like that to a park where they KNOW children are going to be. The nerve of some assholes. I would have given those dog-owning-park-going sons of bitches a piece of my mind too. Debbie is a veritable wealth of moral information and wise food choices. MOVING ONWARD TO....Cindy, so far my favorite of the millions of people that work in that store/underground city. Cindy is an Asian of the Chinese sort (as I soon learned) and I am an Asian of the Cauc persuasion. But sometimes silently knowing isn't enough to clear perceived racial tension in the work place. Here's how it came to be that she's forced me to think of her solely as "Chinese Cindy": I'm sitting in the lunch room, just be-boppin' along, and a little Asian girl comes up to me and asks, with vaguely broken Engrish, what my name is. I tell her I'm Alex and wait for her to introduce herself, explain why she walked up on me in such an abrupt and awkward manner, or at the very least give me some info, tips, or suggestions for a newcomer to the workplace, none of which she did, so I looked at her name tag and said "...And you're Cindy?" and she says, "Yeah, you can read that on my name tag." Like she assumed I was psychic, but wanted me to know that there were much simpler ways of ascertaining that kind of information. So from here on out, I'm not really sure where the conversation is going, or what this chick wants from me. But being uncertain doesn't prepare you for whatever may happen, and I'm at a bit of a loss when the next thing she says is, "I'm the only Chinese here. Working here, I mean." I'm not sure if she was expecting me to be like, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" or what, but all I could think of to say was, "...Are you sure? I mean it's a big place. There's not even ONE other Chinese person working here?" And here is where it gets a little sad because I had to inform the poor girl (who is herself Chinese) that not all Asians are the same damn nationality, because her reply was an astonishing, "Well, there's one other girl, but she's Thai." to which I quickly got indignant about this girl's obvious lack of education on Asian cultures, and said, "Well, that's different...isn't it?" And I swear to you that was the end of the conversation. She said bye and left because her break was over. At the risk of surpassing your daily recommended intake of boring old lady descriptions, I'm just going to lump the rest of the people at my work in the "Grandma" category. Granted, there are many subdivisions in that category: The Fashionable Lipstick-Wearing Grandma, The Red-Dyed-Hair, Stripey-socked Funky Grandma, The Long-Haired, Ex-Hippy Cigarette-Smoking Grandma, and any other kind of grandma you can think of. But they's all grandmas. That's why one of my favorite games to play throughout the work day is "Who sucked the most dicks in her day?" If you are someday around this many old ladies, and it doesn't force you to wonder what weird freaky sexual shit these saddle bags got into when they were in their prime, then I guess you just don't think of grandmas as real people, and I just feel sorry for your narcissistic ass. But for the record, the one who usually wins these little mental contests of mine is a certain special grandma I like to call Pearl Necklace Grandma. She wears a different pearl necklace every day, usually accompanied by elaborate dangly pearl earrings, coral lipstick (Racy!) and an over-sized flower clip in her hair. She told me she has over three hundred pairs of those dangly earrings. Anywho, I gotta rest up. Some dead beat who had their card declined when I tried to ring their order for flannel and a rotary cutter is about to get their ASS handed to them tomorrow, and I gotta be nice and rested. May your scissors never dull, nor your arthritis interfere with your latch hooking, as we say in the biz.

This is the face I get when I clock in late after lunch. Then she makes me sit and listen to stories about what the war was like.
Well, it seems that when it rains, ladies and gentlemen, it pours. After a long drought, we're back to quench you thirsty bitches with what only be described as a juicy, balls-out, nonstop Yuck-a-thon. So you want to know what's up with it? Where have the nuggets of literary gold been that you've all come to count on from the Mister Yuck crew? I can't speak for my colleagues, but personally, I've been squandering those nuggets on that monkey on my back called Facebook. You all know it, I'm just putting it in the open. And don't act like you're better than me, with your smack cocaine and your hashish suppositories, you motherless dope-shooting hobos. I know who reads this blog. But it just became too easy once I got a droid. A picture of some new shoes here, a humorous quote there, and next thing you know I'm trying to suck the Starbucks barista's dick for five minutes of wi-fi. I know it's free, but that's just how grateful I was, y'know? So here's what's in it for me: all the sweet delicious morsels of attention I can glean from my boring-as-unsweetened-oatmeal day to day activities. I'm trading, what is essentially a constant stream of mental diarrhea for all the "likes" and "lol"s and "God you're amazing, let me have your baby"s I can get. And believe me. I get a lot. A LOT. In the words of the ever-eloquent Melleefresh, I'm a big attention whore. *Note that I admitted it, so if you're planning on putting me on intervention, you can just fuck right off, because that admission puts me officially in the "recovery zone" (not as fun as the Discovery Zone, or the Danger Zone, but fun enough to earn some pansy-ass-don't-know-JACK-about-REAL-addiction alcoholics a freakin' medallion). I wish I could tell you that in the middle of this hellish whirlwind world of fast cars, loose women and witty status updates that there's a complex case of emotional or psychological trauma, that it stems from some kind of neglect, or the fact that my mother never got me a Tamagotchi as a child (True story, actually. I don't want to say she's heartless, but she literally didn't even buy me ONE. Make your own decisions about my childhood.). But really, it stems from the fact that I'm too lazy to develop a real hobby. Think of a cool invention? Facebook it. Frustrated with the governmental system? Writing letters is for fags and old people. Facebook that shit. Hungry for a sandwich? You know, not enough to make AND eat one per se, but enough that I'd like for people to know I'm considering it, and input would be nice? Facebook's got my back, and can get the word out without a single bit of strenuous thought on my part. But ah, me, where'd the time go? Look at me, just wasting the day away, blabbing to you a-holes when my new roommates have a ferret and a kitty that cuddle, and I haven't uploaded a single pic. I know some people that would totally lol their dicks off! Shit, I might just "like" my own upload! Word to all your mothers. 

Ayo for Facebook
              Two political parties represent the “majority” of the people of the United States. They are, of course, the Republican and Democratic parties. For some reason, the huge variety of ideologies, beliefs and values that Americans hold have been summed up into two caricatures: The Queer-Sexual, Baby-Killin’ Socialist liberal, or the Gun-Totin’ Welfare-Hatin’, Money-Makin’ Republican. Liberalism and conservatism being inextricably linked with Democrats and Republicans, respectively. Why is this? I know people. Those people think stuff. And that stuff is nowhere close to either of these representations. I can’t say I really am either. How about this: I’m not pro-choice. I’m in favor of small government. I’m also in favor of the death penalty. (most of you are thinking “Whaaaaaa?? I thought this chick had dreads…”) Calm down, you guys, FUCK! I also think marijuana, gay marriage and minor public urination should be legal. I think ass-tons of money should be poured into schools, that public access television should include free hard-core porn, and that there should be more public funding for election candidates so that regular people have more than a pimp’s chance in church of getting elected. 
              Where the fuck is my party? I mean most of that stuff isn’t even an obscure grouping of values. I consider myself a fairly average example of my peers. Why are all of our candidates Christian? I’m not friends with a single Christian (that I know of).  It’s not because I don’t like them, I don’t have a problem with Christians. And it’s not to say they’re not out there because god knows (ha ha?) they’re out there. But there is a large percentage of people in the U.S. that don’t consider themselves religious. Where the fuck is our party? I want a public figure who can say to the media, “Fuck you, that’s none of your business, and it doesn’t affect my politics or my golf game, or my reality TV show whether or not I twisted a stripper‘s nipples, or sucked some guy‘s dick at a truck stop. SO SUCK IT, AMERICA.” Because I know there are plenty of people like me out there who would simply respond with, “….Fair enough.” Other democratic nations have 5 or 6 major parties. Maybe that’s why so many people just don’t vote in the U.S. Because it’s so often a choice between the lesser or two evils. Basically, my whole point is that it’s ridiculous that in a nation as incredibly diverse and varied as America is, the two-party system has a stronghold over us, and it really gets my goat. What should we do about it? Fuck if I know, I’m too busy with other shit to figure it out. Vote or some shit like that. Read a book, burn down a building, I don’t know…..
 Social situations. They’re tough. I always feel like I either say the wrong thing or I at least really want to. For example I was in class the other day, and as class let out I overheard an acquaintance of mine saying that he had missed his bus home. That shit sucks, and I felt for the guy, he’s pretty chill, so for a split second, I thought about offering him a ride home. I immediately decided that was a bad idea because it would probably sound kind of creepy. I don’t really know him that well, you know? And then, after thinking about all that, I decided that it was a good thing I hadn’t asked before I thought about it because I probably would’ve tried to ease the awkwardness by saying something really dumb like “I’m not trying to be a creep or anything. But…I have candy.”
 Dates are a good example of when it might be fun to say the wrong thing. On a date, one person always asks the other “So did you have a nice time tonight?” You can never be honest and say, “Eh, about a C minus. The conversation was a bit lagging, but maybe you’ll try harder next time, huh?”  Dates are the worst social pickle, because you never act completely like yourself on a date. You can’t let that person know how crass, or vulgar you are, or how much you may or may not talk about feces. I was told once, though, by a date “I feel like there’s a side of you that I’m not seeing. Like I’m getting the nicer more polite side of you or something.” I said, “You’re right. *sigh* Good call. You know what? I’m just gonna lay it all out on the table. I’m a rapist. I frequent Wal-Mart restrooms looking for overweight girls with a low self-esteem to go home with.  And in my spare time, I’m a leather-worker. Wow. I can’t believe I told you that. I just feel like I can trust you, y’know? Like I can tell you anything.” Aaaaaaaand that was all a lie just now, I wish I would’ve said that. But like I said before, social dishonesty is the dating policy.
 Guess where else you have to cloak your personality? Let’s say it all in unison: RETAIL!!!! Well, I suppose any job where you work with customers really. Day in. Day out. We close at eight. Yes, that color does look good on you. Oh yeah, I know all about that stuff, it totally detangles your hair. And the really crazy part is that almost every single customer thinks you give a fuck about their personal life because….you have one too? I don’t really know why they think that. But it’s wrong. Dead wrong. They don’t know that, though, and you can’t tell them. But you pretend. You pretend to be concerned, knowledgeable, polite, not weird, and totally not obsessed with a dude whose name is Dick Cheese. Because that’s what’s gonna get you some where.

   I have played God today. As I write this, one life is being absorbed into another. For some reason, I thought I had it in me to own a snake. I have a pet rat, for Christ’s sakes. Anyway, as you might have guessed, it’s feeding day, and I chose the most adorable little motherfucker in the world to send to her death. Not on purpose, I’m not that fucked up. Bear hamsters are just the right size, though. And ball pythons, for some reason, like hamsters particularly. Have you ever even seen a bear hamster? They look kinda like a mouse. But with a short stubby tail, so when they walk, they kinda look like a bear. A tiny little hand-sized mouse-bear. I ask you: What in the world is cuter than a tiny little hand-sized mouse bear? That beats a kitten in a cast by like 58 points. The girl at the pet store made it so hard on me. For some reason, you’re not allowed to buy the rodents at most pet stores for food. Snake food, that is. Probably not for human consumption either. I told her I wanted to buy the hamster. She eyed me suspiciously and asked       “Do you want it for a friend, or food?” I knew the password.
        “Oh, for a friend, definitely!” I said with an innocent smile. But the bitch just couldn’t shut her mouth.
      “Oh, good, then I can sell you that one no problem. Isn’t she adorable? I love the bear hamsters. I just cleaned her cage and fed her this morning. I wanted to get one myself, because they’re just so gosh darn adorable.”
      Fuck. As my stomach sinks, I tell her,
      “Oh, I completely agree. Adorable. That’s why I’m getting her.” So transparent.
      “You have her house and all her supplies yet? They like chew toys, so make sure you get some of those.”
      “Yeah. It’s…it’s all at my house. Just waitin’ for her. To live there.”
      On the way home Scott tried to make me feel better.
      “See, that’s why I can’t ever have a pet snake. I just don’t think it’s right to decide to keep an animal where you have to kill other animals to keep it.” He took the little thing out of its box and displayed its cute little face so I knew what a horrible person I was.
      “Yeah, well, just don’t name it.”
      “Oh, I already did. I’m going to tell you what the name is after you kill it, too.”
      Oh what a comfort a significant other can be.
      As you folks can see from the video, it only took about thirty seconds for Sindel to murder the poor unsuspecting bear hamster. I don’t know if you can tell, but when the snake struck I jumped about ten feet in the air. I believe you can hear me say, “That scared the SHIT out of me.” I wouldn’t have normally watched like that, but I already knew I was going to have to therapeutically write about this. So, essentially, I did it for you guys. When it was over I went upstairs and told Scott. He said,
      “I can’t believe you killed Quincy.”

      Does anyone want my snake?

      “Brazilian wax. Sounds sexy. How painful could it possibly be?” Oh what a fool. What a damned sorry fool I was. Brazilians are out their fucking minds. I stopped in at my work to pick up my check, say hi to Danielle and pick up a few other things. I’d been considering waxing my lady business for some time at that point. The main attraction being a smooth alcove that lasts longer than shaving. So I buy the Brazilian wax, foregoing the anesthetic numbing spray, which was a huge mistake. Possibly the biggest of my life. I can never un-remember the pain. Right when I get home I pop the jar of wax into the microwave and open the package of cloth strips. I was just a naïve young girl then. Not a care in the world, simply looking foreword to a hairless honey pot. I had no idea. I got a little twinge of fear upon smoothing the wax, almost too hot, onto the target zone. “Wow. That is a pretty sensitive area. Um…huh...” Kinda scary. But I put the strip on, took a nervous breath, bit my lip and tore that son of a bitch right off. The following sound that ensued was not an exclamation of surprise. It wasn’t just an acknowledgement of discomfort. It wasn’t like, “Damn that fucking hurts.” More like, “My god. What have I done?” It was a full-blown uncontrolled scream of pain, and a cry of terror that I might not have my beloved bikini biscuit anymore. I had to literally (in the most literal sense of the word) brace myself on the counter and recollect my thoughts. Oh. My.God. As shockingly excruciating and painful as it was, I repeated this process, step for step, about seven times, hoping against hope each time that it would get less painful. It didn’t. It also didn’t in any way make my panty hamster look more attractive. You know how a dog will chew on its ass until it gets all bloody and shiny, with a few angry red bald spots? Yeah. Not many people see that and go “Damn, I have GOT to stick my dick in that!” Except for people like Sanders, and do I really need to say any more there? But I’m thinking that this product was definitely intended for the more hearty, callused salmon canyon, and not my delicate little flower. I know now. For those caring souls out there who would like to know, my whisker box will get a little better every day, but the mental scarring remains. So if I could ask you, please take a moment of silence and bow your head in remembrance of this day. Never again.  

      So I work at this beauty supply store. It’s pretty easy, I just put nail polish away, organize the hair dye, maybe sweep the floor. Nothing is really very demanding or stressful, and for the most part I enjoy working there. Nothing really to get excited about. Except when it comes to loss prevention.  Now, beauty products are expensive. I understand that five to seven dollars for a small tube of lip gloss is a proverbial ball breaker. Paying almost $90 dollars for a weave is, to me, a sign that your parents must not have loved you enough as a child. That’s probably why we have such an insanely high theft rate. What I mean to say is, bitches steal. One of our jobs, as an employee, is to stand there and stare at the customers who exhibit the typical behavior of thieving bitches. This includes talking loudly, asking stupid questions, a group that splits up throughout the store, going through product forever without deciding and long loud discussions of what friends think they should or shouldn’t get. That’s right you guys, the typical profile of people who steal from our store are teenage emo girls, this one coked out gay guy, and large, loud, hyphy black bitches.  The teenage emo girls I have no problem with. They get scurred and run once I start looking at them, or asking them if they’re going to pay for their four-dollar jar of Manic Panic. The gay guy, though very frightening, is always accompanied by some chick holding a bundled baby (which never cries, and is never seen: I swear, it’s fake), and for some weird reason that makes him easier to approach.

But the big hyphy black girls are what’s gonna getcha. We call them Shaboomikas, And Shaboomikas get reeeeaal mad. Of course they only get mad because they’re trying to steal, and they know you know. But they’re so hateful guys, even if they’re calling you bro. I’ve been called a bitch multiple times, been told fuck you, and even just completely been sidestepped as they walk out the door with, oddly enough, our cheapest hair dryer and with a “Fuck you, bro” as they left. I’m even pretty sure I saw someone’s car waiting in the parking lot outside. Is it worth it? I get paid $8.50 an hour, which I believe is a whopping ten cents above minimum wage. I’m not a little bitch, but god help me, I’m small. Is it worth it to build up an army of scary large black girls who hate me, and think they can talk shit? Probably. Gotta get paid.
